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Steve Spohn is the Chief Operations Officer and Community Outreach Director for AbleGamers charity, award-winning author, and advocate for people with disabilities. Featured on CNN, NBC and other mainstream news outlets as an assistive technology and game accessibility expert, Steven brings all his knowledge and much more to championing for people with disabilities in the video game space as a means of defeating social isolation. Steve has also traveled the country speaking at various prestigious events. When not writing or doing charity work, you can find him gaming, reading the latest sci-fi novels or cracking jokes on social media — @StevenSpohn or Facebook.com/StevenSpohn. He currently resides outside of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania with his two cats.


  1. September 11, 2017


    Attn.: Steven Spohn

    Re: Let’s Hear Your Story (LHYS) / Social Impact Organization (SIO)

    Hello Steven:

    I visited “Steven Spohn…An unordinarily extraordinary ride.” Very interesting.

    I have been afflicted with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) for over 37 years. To say the least, it certainly has not been an easy road.

    Along the way, I have met numerous individuals who taught me the true meaning of the word C-O-U-R-A-G-E. As a means of “paying it forward,” I established Let’s Hear Your Story (LHYS). This is a Social Impact Organization (SIO) which collects and posts intense survival stories on the LHYS site.

    The “social value” exhibited here is learning survival skills from each other. Please visit the site at http://www.letshearyourstory.org. This is a prototype. We are constantly making updates.

    LHYS provides a “nuts and bolts” approach as to how to face any physical challenge.

    If at all possible, I would be very grateful if you could please provide me with a synopsis as to what makes you “tick.” This would then be posted on the LHYS site.

    Your input is greatly appreciated. Thank you.

    Tony Lombardo

  2. My friend just shared your most recent post with me… and I love it. I love your words. Your spirit. Your desire to leave the world better than you found it. I’d love to do a story on you.
    Let me know if you’re interested.

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